Lovely Message!
By Allison Elizabeth
The Bully Cat is a wonderful Children's book. I absolutely love the illustration! One thing I especially liked is that the message was not just to be good to other people, but also good to animals as well. This book will certainly leave a smile on your face.
A Wonderful Teaching Book for Kids!
by Denise Cassino
What a wonderful thing to teach children before they are faced with a bully just how to handle it and what love means. This book is about a family that discovers a family of cats living in the backyard of their new home. They all love the cats and give each one a special name. The kids loving feeding them, but one day, a bully appears and scares all the beloved cats away until the family takes charge and happiness reigns. This is a great book that kids will love - don't they all love cats?
By Anna Maria Prezio
I bought this book for my granddaughter and we have had such fun learning the names of all the cats that inhabit this story. They're all different colors and my granddaughter has a ball picking each one out. She also understands about being nice to people and animals so even at her young age, this book does it work. Beautifully illustrated and bright and colorful, this is a great book for any child up till even 7 or 8. We loved it!
What a beautiful book!
by Robin C.
I've seen many children's books, but this one is unique in that the illustrations are so vivid in color and more realistic than most I've seen. The story revolves around a family moving into a new house where a batch of stray cats has been living in the back yard. The family adopts and feeds the fuzzy critters until they observe a big, bad bully cat entering the yard to intimidate and rob the cats of their food. The family takes over and scares the bully away to restore harmony. It is a wonderful book about bullies and being bullied that all parents should teach their children.
Cats! Cats! Cats!
By Looking for Truth
In this charming story by Nadia Sahari, a victim if childhood bullying herself, she tells a tale (tail?) of 10 cats who live peaceably together until the biggest cat of all appears and proceeds to run them all off to devour their food. The family observes this and through a wonderfully taught lesson for children, restores order and run the bully off. This is a great way to teach younger children what to do about bullying and why it is unacceptable behavior - I loved it and so did my grandkids!
Loved it!
by Sarena
This book should be read by all parents and kids at an early age so they can understand the repercussions of bullying and being bullied. With the world they way it is today, we must all educate and guard against this terrible behavior. So many children can benefit from this adorable story, beautifully illustrated and filled with something all kids love - cats! Great book!
Wonderful Book for Parents & Kids
By Denise Cassino
In this charming and beautifully illustrated children's book, Nadia Sahari, a victim of bullying herself as a child, uses a backyard full of stray cats to tell the story of bullying, why it hurts and how to stop it when it starts. The book use a family's awareness and actions to solve the problem. This is a must read for kids 4-6 who are often victimized for the first time at that age. Wonderful! I also read Sahari's personal memoir: Breakaway: How I Survived Abuse